Lifestyle Economics

Sunak’s flawed anti-smoking crusade


In the Media

Len Shackleton quoted in City AM


Mark Littlewood quoted in The Telegraph

Government and Institutions

Christopher Snowdon quoted in ITV News, BBC News, The Guardian, and The Times

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in ITV News criticising the government’s proposal for an age-based smoking ban which would see anyone born after 1st January 2009 prohibited from smoking for life.

Christopher said:

“Not only is this prohibitionist wheeze hideously illiberal and unconservative, it is full of holes.

“It will create a two tier society in which adults buy cigarettes informally from slightly older adults and will inflate the black market in general.

“It may well breach equalities legislation and will very likely be challenged in the courts. It will certainly create huge problems for retailers and may ultimately require a system of national ID cards.”

Read the full article here.

Christopher was also quoted in BBC News, The Times, and The Guardian.

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