
Childcare costs have skyrocketed this millennium


In the Media

IEA research featured in The Times

In the Media

IEA research featured in The Telegraph

Matthew Lesh quoted in Conservative Home

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in Conservative Home discussing why full-time childcare is now out of many families’ reach.

The article said:

“Matthew Lesh of the Institute of Economic Affairs calculates that the ‘annual cost of full-time childcare (50 hours per week) for an under-two-year-old has risen by 171 per cent since 2000, from £5,148 to £13,939 in 2021.’ This means that ‘the cost of putting two children into full-time childcare is almost the same as the median household income in the UK.'”

Read the full article here.

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