ThinkTent at Conservative Party Conference 2023.

ThinkTent – a joint venture between the Institute of Economic Affairs and the TaxPayers’ Alliance – has become a staple of the fringe scene at Conservative Party Conference. This year promises to be one of the best yet. Panels will tackle a wide array of important issues, from spurring economic growth and fixing the NHS to restoring freedom of speech and the future of British journalism. Attendance at ThinkTent sessions are open to all conference attendees on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Sunday, 1 October – Tuesday, 3 October


ThinkTent, Conservative Party Conference, Manchester Central Convention Centre (Inside the Secure Zone)


Sunday, 1st October 2023

How to Drive Economic Growth
3.15pm – 4.15pm

With the British economy stagnating, solving the economic growth puzzle is vital to the UK’s short and long-term prosperity.


  • Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs (Chair)

  • Liam Halligan, Economics Editor, GB News

  • Ted R. Bromund, Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation

  • John O’Connell, Chief Executive, Taxpayers’ Alliance

  • Aria Babu, Policy Fellow, The Startup Coalition

  • Matthew Elliott, President, Jobs Foundation

Is the UK a Safe Space for Free Speech?
4.30pm – 5.30pm

With both legal and cultural censorship engulfing debate in the United Kingdom, can we still say that Britain is a safe space for free speech?


  • John O’Connell, Chief Executive, Taxpayers’ Alliance (Chair)

  • Graham Linehan, Comedy writer and director

  • Tim Stanley, Columnist, The Telegraph

  • Marc Glendening, Head of Cultural Affairs, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics, University of Kent

Monday, 2nd October 2023

Is Intergenerational Inequality Holding Back Britain?
11.30am – 12.30pm

Home ownership is increasingly out of reach for young people, while they continue to foot the bill for policies like the triple lock on pensions. Is intergenerational inequality one of the biggest drags on Britain’s economy?


  • Reem Ibrahim, Communications Officer, Institute of Economic Affairs (Chair)

  • Emma Revell, Head of Communications and Public Affairs, Centre for Policy Studies

  • Lee Rowley MP, Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Local Government and Building Safety

  • Samuel Kasumu, Social entrepreneur and former special advisor to Boris Johnson

  • Alex Morton, Director of Strategy, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Damian Green MP

The Future of Conservatism: In Conversation with Lord Frost
12.45pm – 1.45pm

We look forward to welcoming Lord Frost for this year’s In Conversation With. Mark Littlewood will host the conversation with Taxpayers’ Alliance Chief Executive John O’Connell.

The Future of Rail
2.00pm – 3.00pm

As strikes are set to disrupt Conservative Party Conference this year, how can we revive Britain’s flagging railways?


  • Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs (Chair)

  • Mary Grant, Chief Executive Officer, Porterbrook

  • Chris Loder MP

  • Huw Merriman MP, Minister of State for Rail (Invited)

  • Mark Phillips, Chief Executive, Rail Safety and Standards Board

NHS Crisis: How can we improve Britain’s health service? 
4.30pm – 5.30pm

The UK’s healthcare outcomes have long lagged behind our European counterparts. What is the solution to Britain’s healthcare crisis?


  • Matthew Lesh, Director of Public Policy and Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Dr Luke Evans MP

  • Toby Brown, Senior Policy Lead, King’s Fund

  • Dr Kristian Niemietz, Head of Political Economy, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP, Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care

Battle of the think tanks: Should we reduce immigration?  
5.45pm – 6.45pm

Free market policy wonks go head-to-head on the future of immigration policy.


  • Reem Ibrahim, Communications Officer, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Maxwell Marlow, Director of Research, Adam Smith Institute

  • Conor Holohan, Taxpayers’ Alliance

  • Matthew Lesh, Director of Public Policy and Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Karl Williams, Deputy Research Director, Centre for Policy Studies

Tuesday, 3rd October 2023

Nanny State v. Consumer Choice
10.15am – 11.15pm

As paternalism continues to subsume personal choice, is it time to roll back the frontiers of the nanny state?


  • Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Philip Davies MP

  • Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive, British Beer and Pub Association

  • Annabel Denham, Deputy Comment Editor, The Daily Telegraph

  • Dr Khurram Jowiya, Fiscal and Regulatory Affairs Manager, JTI UK

The Future of Journalism: Should Digital Platforms Be Required to Fund News Publishers?
12.45pm – 1.45pm

A discussion about how to best support the future of journalism focused on the thorny question of whether we should expect digital platforms to provide funding to news.


  • Matthew Lesh, Director of Public Policy and Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs (Chair)

  • Sir John Whittingdale MP, Minister of State for Media, Tourism, and Creative Industries

  • Matt Warman MP

  • Matthew Sinclair, Senior Director, UK CCIA (Computer and Communications Industry Association)

  • David Matthew, Managing Director, NERA Economic Consulting

  • Owen Meredith, CEO, News Media Association

Is a Whitehall Blob Thwarting Reform?
3.15pm – 4.15pm

As paternalism continues to subsume personal choice, is it time to roll back the frontiers of the nanny state?


  • Sam Collins, Head, Free Market Forum (Chair)

  • Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg MP

  • Greg Smith MP, Chair, Free Market Forum

  • Alex Morton, Director of Strategy, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Ranil Jayawardena MP