Lifestyle Economics

UK should take no vaping lectures from Australia


In the Media

Stephen Davies referenced in UnHerd


IEA research referenced in Conservative Woman

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Critic

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has written in The Critic criticising Health Secretary Steve Barclay for arguing that the UK can learn from Australia’s draconian policies on vaping.

Christopher wrote:

“Britain does indeed have much to learn from Australia’s approach to vaping, in the same way as air crash investigators have much to learn from a black box. They say that every air crash makes air travel safer so long as the authorities understand what went wrong. On that basis, the world can benefit from studying the smouldering crater of Australia’s tobacco control policies.”

Read the full piece here.

Christopher’s comments on the Health Secretary’s remarks were also quoted in Convenience Store and WIRED GOV.

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