Society and Culture

Flipping the script on Brexit


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Critic

Stephen Davies referenced in UnHerd

IEA Head of Education Stephen Davies has been featured in an UnHerd article discussing the possibility that the Brexit-era political alignment may be flipped in the near future.

The article said:

“In other words, the Right is overwhelmingly pro-Brexit and the Left anti. It is hard to imagine it being any other way. But according to Steve Davies of the Institute for Economic Affairs, it really could. In fact, writing for the Telegraph, he foresees a complete switch around of the Left-wing and Right-wing positions on the EU:

“It’s worth noting that we’ve already witnessed one such realignment. In the 1970 and ’80s, Labour was by far the more Eurosceptic party. As recently as 1983, its manifesto promise was to leave the European Economic Community — because continued membership was a ‘serious obstacle’ to the party’s ‘radical, socialist policies.'”

Read the full piece here.

You can also read Stephen’s piece on realignment in The Telegraph.

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