Labour Market

Business needs its mojo back


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Telegraph

In the Media

Benedikt Koehler writes in Conservative Home

Mark Littlewood writes in The Times

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood has written in The Times that business needs to rediscover its self-confidence amid record low public image and the recent turmoil engulfing the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

Mark wrote:

“Already, others are manoeuvring to fill the void left by the CBI’s spectacular fall from grace. The British Chambers of Commerce have put together their own initiative. Other business groups are also considering how to pivot their activities to take advantage of the CBI’s implosion.

“Fixing the workplace, cultural and legal problems at the CBI will be complex and painful. But the bigger challenge is greater still — both for the recalibrated confederation and for any emergent groups

“Business has been failing for years to put forward a compelling case for the economic and social good that it delivers for the country. Public scepticism, even cynicism, about the intentions, motives and honesty of business has increased as a consequence.”

Read Mark’s full piece here.

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