
The NHS is beyond repair

Kristian Niemietz writes for The Telegraph

IEA Head of Political Economy Kristian Niemietz has written in the Telegraph analysing Sir Keir Starmer’s plan for revitalising the NHS .

Kristian wrote:

“Under a Labour government we could expect new targets for heart attack and stroke mortality rates, for cancer diagnosis, and for waiting times. These might be worthy aspirations, but on their own targets are just glorified New Year’s resolutions. They can be useful tools if there is significant slack in the system, but this could hardly be said of “our” NHS.”

“Neither the Opposition nor this government have any appetite for root-and-branch reform. Instead, they peddle the biggest myth trotted out during every election campaign that the health service can be saved. But politicians can only pull the wool over the public’s eyes for so long.” Read Kristian’s full piece here.”

Read the full article here.

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