Monetary Policy

Inflation can be controlled without further rate rise


In the Media

Shadow Monetary Policy Committee referenced in The Mail

In the Media

Prof. Len Shackleton and Matthew Lesh quoted in Daily Business

Shadow Monetary Policy Committee referenced in CCR Magazine and The Scotsman

The IEA’s Shadow Monetary Policy Committee’s recommendation that interest rates should have been held at 4.25 per cent has been quoted in The Scotsman, Yahoo!, CCR Magazine and The Daily Brit.

Trevor Williams, the SMPC’s Chair, said:

“The recent bank failures in the US – and SVB UK – are a sign of too rapid a withdrawal of liquidity. Most members of the SMPC believe monetary tightening has gone too far and some of it should be reversed either through resuming Quantitative Easing or lowering the Bank rate. Doing both Quantitative Tightening and raising Bank rate further above 4 per cent is morphing into monetary overkill.”

The CCR piece can be read here, The Scotsman piece here, and the Yahoo! article here.


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