Energy and Environment

Boulevard of broken policies


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Express and The Independent

In the Media

Kristian Niemietz quoted in The New Statesman

Andy Mayer featured in City AM

IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has been featured in City AM discussing the possibility of new green subsidies to counter those in the American Inflation Reduction Act.

Andy said:

“They have no idea what technologies will deliver decarbonisation in the next decade, let alone next century. Or whether those technologies will make commercial sense, globally or in the UK. Much will be wasted, incurring high taxes, undermining investment in real businesses by damaging UK competitiveness.

“The band Green Day warned against the ‘sound of hysteria’ and wanted to opt out. Wise words when considering government responses to the challenge of climate change,”

The full article can be read here.

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