Tax and Fiscal Policy

Middle class are the budget’s big victors


In the Media

Mark Littlewood writes in The Times

In the Media

Andrew Lilico writes in The Telegraph

Mark Littlewood quoted in The Times

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood’s reaction to the budget has been featured in The Times’ coverage of the statement.

The article read:

“Jeremy Hunt’s first budget as chancellor was low on surprises but gave a glimpse of Conservative plans for giveaways before next year’s election.

“The big winners from the £40 billion spending were middle-class families with young children, motorists, and older, richer professionals. Civil servants striking in pursuit of better public-sector pay did not get a look-in.

“Defying calls from Tory rightwingers, Hunt made precious few changes to personal taxes as the government continued to rake in the benefits of freezing income tax thresholds.

“Property taxes and VAT were also untouched as Hunt limited his tax innovations to the creation of a dozen “investment zones” scattered across the country. The Institute for Economic Affairs, a libertarian think tank, said the budget was “nowhere near radical enough to jump-start the British economy.”

The full piece can be read here.

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