
Important to understand why economic inactivity has risen


In the Media

Prof. Len Shackleton quoted in The Sunday Express

In the Media

Matthew Lesh discusses the Online Safety Bill on GB News

Christopher Snowdon appears on GB News

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economic Christopher Snowdon has appeared on GB News to discuss welfare reform.

Christopher said:

“People have always had that concern, that the benefit system has been abused, and of course it will always be to some extent,

“There has been a rise in economic inactivity (…) but the interesting thing to look at is why we have seen this rise in economic inactivity in the over-50s of working age.

If they just want to take early retirement, I don’t think that’s anybody else’s business, but if, for some reason, they don’t feel they can get back into the workplace, then that is a cause for concern”

You can see Christopher’s full appearance here (20:24).

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