Energy and Environment

Neither party willing to do what’s necessary on energy policy


In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted in City AM

Andy Mayer writes for CapX

IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has written in CapX arguing that neither the Conservative nor Labour Party seem willing to implement sound energy policy.

Andy wrote in response to former Conservative minister, Claire Perry O’Neill’s suggestion that Labour are now ‘serious’ when it comes to energy. He said:

“Regardless, the central problem with energy policy is one that Perry O’Neill endorses: making a fetish of decarbonisation, when other goals like security of supply and affordability are generally more important. Pursing the former without the latter means the lights go out, businesses fold, and many vulnerable people freeze to death in winter. It is neither an election winner nor a moral path.


“All parties are now supportive of price controls (and related subsidies) – where they delude themselves that national politicians can set prices reflective of imbalances in global supply and demand and future taxpayers will underwrite the difference.”


You can read Andy’s full article here.

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