Government and Institutions

Real federalism has never been tried


In the Media
In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes for City AM

Harrison Griffiths writes in 1828

IEA Communications Officer Harrison Griffiths has written in 1828 criticising the Brown Commission’s recommendations for constitutional reform.

Harrison wrote:

“Brown’s proposals double-down on [Briatin’s] constitutional myopia. By codifying the Sewel Convention (…), Labour would further muddy the waters by creating ambiguity around the supremacy of the British government.

“But this is not where the madness ends: Brown has also floated the idea of having representatives from devolved governments present in foreign engagements like trade negotiations.

“What is the ultimate end of this unprecedented and radical plan? An Austro-Hungarian arrangement in which the nations and regions have different armies and issue different passports? Are we planning to wield our Security Council veto by committee?”

Harrison argued, however, that Britain needs constitutional reform:

“Britain does need constitutional reform which decentralises power across the country. 90 per cent of Britain’s tax revenue is raised centrally, a greater percentage than even France, which is notorious for its centralised institutions.”

You can read Harrison’s full article here.

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