
Keir Starmer’s CBI speech “hardly a recipe for growth”


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes in The Telegraph

Responding to Opposition Leader Keir Starmer’s speech at the CBI, Matthew Lesh, Head of Public Policy at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“It is welcome to hear a Labour leader talking about dynamism, aspiration and reward, and respecting private enterprise and profit. He is also right to highlight the tragedy of Britain’s low-growth economy and downplay the importance of redistribution. 

“Yet Starmer’s supposed ‘new business model’ is nothing more than the orthodox view that the state can solve every problem. He proposed a toxic mix of central planning, picking losers, and failed industrial strategies. Starmer also wants to put more money into an unreformed and failing NHS and subsidise, rather than reform childcare, and increase labour regulation. He said nothing about cutting the red tape that is strangling businesses or reforming Britain’s broken planning system. It’s hardly a recipe for growth.”


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