Tax and Fiscal Policy

The Chancellor has drawn up a recipe for decline


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times

Energy and Environment

Mark Littlewood quoted in Guido Fawkes and Conservative Home

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood’s reaction to the autumn budget has been featured in Conservative Home and Guido Fawkes’ coverage of the fiscal event.

Mark wrote:

“The growth strategy is all top-down. What we need is bottom up, supply side reforms. Planning liberalisation has been largely shelved, retained EU red tape will remain in place for longer and plans to increase domestic energy supply through shale gas – when the country faces crippling energy costs – have gone. Instead, we will levy extortionate taxes on the North Sea and electricity generation, which will discourage investment and make us more reliant on imported energy and more at risk of blackouts.”

Guido Fawkes’ coverage can be read here and Conservative Home’s here.

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