Lifestyle Economics

Ending the obesity strategy is a welcome step during the cost-of-living crisis


In the Media

Chris Snowdon quoted in The Daily Mirror

The IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in The Daily Mirror and The Guardian on reports that the government is set to scrap its obesity strategy.

Quoted in The Guardian, Christopher welcomed the news: “Scrapping policies that make food and drink more expensive during a cost of living crisis is a no-brainer. The sugar tax has achieved nothing and the ban on volume price discounts will hurt everybody.”

Hopeful that this may be a first step in rolling back the frontiers of the nanny state, Christopher continued: “We are long overdue a prime minister who puts the interests of consumers over the interests of nanny state pressure groups. Let us hope Liz Truss is that prime minister.”

The Guardian quote can be read here (at 13:26 on the thread) and the Mirror piece can be read here.

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