A British Bill of Rights – what is it and do we need one?


  • 08/09/2022
    18:30 - 21:00
It has been reported this week that new prime minister Liz Truss is shelving the British Bill of Rights.

Our panellists will discuss whether this is the right move, and what other reforms to the Human Rights Act and judicial review might better achieve the government’s aims.

Might this setback for the Bill of Rights lead to an even more radical approach, opening up the possibility of the UK leaving the ECHR, as new Home Secretary Suella Braverman has called for?

Does a true assertion of the supremacy and independence of the Supreme Court, and the supremacy of Parliament, require the UK to leave the ECHR?

Join us here at the IEA on 8 September at 6:30pm to discuss these questions with:

  • Former justice minister Lord Wolfson QC

  • Andrew Warnock QC from the Society of Conservative Lawyers

  • Dr Ronan Cormicain formerly of the Bingham Institute

  • Matthew Lesh of the IEA

    Please write to events@iea.org.uk to book your place.





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