• Corporate partnerships.

  • Corporate partnerships.

  • Corporate partnerships.

Financial donations

Make a donation to enable us to continue to make the intellectual case for a free markets, lower taxes, freedom in education, health and welfare and less regulation.

In kind donations

Talk to us if you have a product or service you would like to donate to the IEA. This can include your company’s skills and time and extend to such activities as offering careers advice to our extensive student programme or premises to host our educational courses.

Corporate subscriptions

Become a corporate subscriber and receive copies of IEA academic research, briefings and papers, plus invitations to join us to discuss our research and challenge our thinking at a variety of events.

Event partnerships

Across the year the Institute hosts a number of events, panel discussions, conferences, workshops and symposia. Please get in touch if you want to see the list of our current plans.

Contact us

If you want to find out more about more about any of the above, please get in touch with Alex Lee, Acting Development Director at alee@iea.org.uk or call on +44 (0)207 799 8906.

IEA Corporate Protocols

We are extremely proud of our academic reputation and the processes we have in place to ensure that all our research is independent and written without fear or favour. We have listed the essential do’s and don’ts here, but we will be happy to discuss in more detail if you get in touch.

Strictly we do not accept any earmarked money for commissioned research work from any company, nor any government or government body.

We only accept donations from companies towards pre-approved workstreams – and not to the production of any particular paper or report.

Strictly, no donor, sponsor or partner will be allowed to influence our researchers’ studies or conclusions. We cannot and will not guarantee the conclusions of any IEA paper in advance.

No donor, sponsor or partner will have sight of the publication until after the paper has been signed off for printing, except where we request assistance in fact-checking data.

No payments may be made direct to authors.

No approaches may be made directly to authors.

All decisions on the title of the paper, layout and design etc rest ultimately with the IEA.