The BBC must move to an alternative funding model


Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer and Julian Jessop comment for City AM

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

Annabel Denham, IEA Director of Communications, has written her weekly column for The Spectator on the future of BBC funding, following Nadine Dorries’ comments last week.

Annabel argued that serious discussion over alternative funding models need not wait until 2027, stating that, “there is no justification for putting these decisions off any longer. We don’t need half a decade and we don’t need another review. We know what the issues are, and the government should work on a plan that can be published within six months”.

“Defenders of the licence fee often say that the BBC produces unrivalled world-class content. They also claim that scrapping the levy would be financially ruinous. Both cannot be true — if its content is as good as they say, customers in the UK and abroad will undoubtedly pay for it.”

Read the full article here.

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