Trade, Development, and Immigration

Time for the foreign aid target to go


Housing and Planning

The IEA responds to the government's planned changes to planning laws

Housing and Planning

The IEA responds to today's report by the House of Lords on foreign aid

Commenting on the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee report on foreign aid, Professor Philip Booth, Editorial and Programme Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“The Committee is right to criticise the government’s adoption in law of an arbitrary target for foreign aid set 40 years ago. Foreign aid has a poor record and, given this record, the government should not be increasing the aid budget in the way that it is.

“There may be a place for some aid programmes targeted at clear objectives – such as vaccination programmes. However, badly managed aid is dangerous in that it can encourage corruption and finance conflict. The House of Lords report is an excellent balanced report and a fine antidote to the ideologically-driven programme of the coalition government.”

Notes to Editors

To arrange an interview with an IEA spokesperson please contact Stephanie Lis, Director of Communications: 020 7799 8909,

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