Hayek’s theory of competition and view on antitrust

Cento is founder and Managing Partner of Case Associates, IEA Law & Economics Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at the University of Buckingham.

Since 2006 the Global Competition Review survey has voted Cento one of the most ‘highly regarded’ competition economists. He has over 40 years’ experience assisting lawyers and companies in responding to investigations by the European Commission, national competition authorities, national regulatory authorities, and in court proceedings in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. Cento was also adviser to the Microsoft Monitoring Trustee on the pricing of protocols under commitments set out in the EC Microsoft 2004 decision.

This is a recording of a speech given at a joint Institute of Economic Affairs and Information Technology and Innovation Foundation conference called ‘The Meaning of Competition: Assertive Antitrust Enforcement and The Digital Economy’ on Thursday 4th November 2021.