Society and Culture

Christmas may be the antidote for our Covid-stricken economy


Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon comments for The Express

In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in the Sunday Express

Mark Littlewood writes for The Times

Mark Littlewood, Director General of the IEA, has written his fornnightly column in The Times on the potential for Christmas to provide a much-needed economic boost following 20 months of Coronavirus-related disruption.

Mark argues that regardless of what one thinks of the spiritual meaning of Christmas, that the resultant economic uplift is a cause for celebration.

“If we put aside any spiritual debate about the true meaning of Christmas and instead seek to analyse the season in purely economic terms, the celebrations at this time of year still amount to something of a miracle.”

“On average, over their entire lifetime, the typical British citizen will spend a total of £54,000 on celebrating Christmas.”

Read the full article here.


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