Society and Culture

BA’s gender neutral salutations the latest example of ‘Woke capitalism’


In the Media

Emily Carver writes for Conservative Home

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

In an op-ed for The Spectator, IEA Director of Communications, Annabel Denham, took aim at British Airway’s (BA) move to drop ‘ladies and gentlemen’ from its announcements. Annabel suggested that BA has bigger problems than gender neutral salutations to deal with after 18 months of travel restrictions.

Annabel argued: “There’s still little evidence to suggest that companies benefit economically from their performative progressivism. ‘Woke capitalism’ is a paradox, because most woke people want to dismantle the whole system. They are more likely to view corporate publicity stunts, like airlines banning gender-binary terms, as cynical and manipulative. It’s likely that stunts like BA’s current virtue signalling do companies no harm, but neither do they actively benefit from it.

Read the full article here.

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