How can we fix social care?

Boris Johnson’s government recently unveiled plans to increase national insurance contributions to pay for social care but concerns were raised from across the political spectrum. Some protested on fairness grounds, because the burden would fall on the working age population. Others said the fact that the money will initially be funnelled towards trying to bring down NHS waiting lists meant it wasn’t really anything to do with social care at all.

Theresa May’s 2017 election campaign was derailed by the “dementia tax,” while the Dilnot Report into the future of social care has sat on the shelf for 10 years without any real progress towards implementing its recommendations. Meanwhile Britain’s population continues to age, with more and more of us living longer lives with an increasingly likelihood of some kind of care needed in later years. So a nice easy topic for this week’s Markets and Morality!

IEA Head of Public Affairs Emma Revell is joined by Professor Philip Booth, Senior Academic Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs and Director of the Vinson Centre for the Public Understanding of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Lord Peter Lilley, Conservative peer and former member of parliament, to ask “How can we fix social care?”

Philip is the author of “Integrating Health and Social Care”, a paper published by the IEA back in 2019 and available to download here.

Earlier this year Lord Lilley published “Solving the Social Care Dilemma? A Responsible Solution” with Civitas which you can download here.

Mark Littlewood, IEA Director General, wrote a recent column for The Times on social care which Emma references in the discussion. You can read that article here.