
Unions should not scupper return to school drive


Energy and Environment

Annabel Denham writes for City AM

Emily Carver writes for Conservative Home

The government has implemented a return to school PR drive, reassuring parents, pupils and teachers that returning to school is safe. Although most will welcome a return to normalcy, some teaching unions have urged caution and suggested the government should maintain Covid restrictions despite students being behind in their education.

In an op-ed for Conservative Home, IEA Head of Media Emily Carver argued: “While the unions may respond to this simply with calls for more investment in catch-up efforts (the Government has already announced over £3 billion) or claims that Tory cuts are to blame, they continue to push for the very restrictions that have led us to this situation – with little to no real scientific justification or sense of proportionality to the threat that children and teachers do or do not face“.

Read the full article here.

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