The Economics of Video Games | Dr Matt McCaffery | THINK2021

Matthew McCaffrey is assistant professor of entrepreneurship in the Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester. He holds a bachelor’s degree in literature from Colorado State University, a master’s in economics from Auburn University, and a PhD in economics from the University of Angers. He is the author or editor of five books, mostly recently Austrian Perspectives on Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Organization, co-authored with Nicolai Foss and Peter Klein, published in 2019 by Cambridge University Press; and The Invisible Hand in Virtual Worlds: The Economic Order of Video Games, forthcoming this year, also from Cambridge. You can purchase his latest book here – In addition to his books, he has also published two dozen articles in leading journals in management and economics, such as the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and the European Management Review, in addition to dozens more book chapters, essays, and reviews. He has received numerous awards for his editorial and reviewing work, and he sits on the editorial boards of the two leading journals in entrepreneurship studies, as well as those of five other journals, and is an associate editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. He has contributed evidence to government inquiries on the regulation of the gaming industry and has been interviewed by CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post, among others. His research focuses on the social and economic role of entrepreneurship, and he writes extensively on the different forms of entrepreneurial behavior that exist inside and outside the market economy, such as social, political, and institutional entrepreneurship. This work has earned him a place as an advisor to numerous social enterprises and student start-ups. THINK 2021 was held on Saturday 12th June where a collection of world leading economists and thinkers from all over the globe came together and gave talks, held discussions and hosted Q and As. The conference was kindly supported by Vernon Hill II.