Government is right to ditch mandatory mask wearing


In the Media

IEA research reported by

In the Media

Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

IEA Director of Communications, Annabel Denham, has penned an op-ed for The Spectator arguing that face coverings played a vital role in reducing the transmission of Covid and thus reclaiming our freedom on July 19th. However, she welcomed the news contradictory government mask mandates are being scrapped and decisions on mask wearing left to individuals.

Annabel said: “Over the past 16 months, authoritarianism has gripped government, parliament and public agencies, leaving its prey unable to think beyond shutdowns. But policymakers are now bopping to a new beat. No longer will the state dictate what we do: individuals will be presented with the risks and left to exercise their judgment“.

Read the full article here.

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