Trade, Development, and Immigration

Trade with India must be a priority, but it won’t be easy


In the Media

IEA research covered in The Business Times

Syed Kamall writes for Conservative Home

IEA Acting Academic & Research Director Syed Kamall has written for Conservative Home on the prospects of UK-India trade. Syed references new IEA research by Trade Fellow Shanker Singham on UK-India trade.

Although Syed welcomes the need to improve trading relations with India, he warns it will not be an easy task to get to a full FTA in the short term.

Syed said: “While free traders in both India and the UK would welcome a deal, there are other pitfalls to avoid. As India’s former colonial ruler, the UK government will need to approach the negotiations delicately, making clear the nations at the table are equals“.

Read the full article here.

Read the research paper here.

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