Tax and Fiscal Policy

20 taxes the Government should scrap to boost the economy


In the Media

Alexander C. R. Hammond and Sam Collins write for City A.M.

In the Media

IEA research featured in the Daily Express

Sam Collins writes for CapX

Between the impact of coronavirus and Brexit, the UK economy is “faced with a range of new risks and opportunities as we strike back out into the wider world” says Sam Collins, Policy Advisor to the IEA’s Director-General, as he argues against tax rises in an article for CapX.

Sam, along with IEA Policy Analyst Alexander C. R. Hammond, has written a new report for the IEA ’20 taxes to scrap: How to grow the UK economy by simplifying the tax system’, revisiting and updating an earlier IEA report from 2016, and urges the Chancellor to consider that course of action, rather than impose fresh burdens on businesses come this week’s Budget.

Read the full article here.

Read the authors’ new IEA report here.

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