Tax and Fiscal Policy

‘No return to austerity’ is a good slogan, but austerity there will be

Mark Littlewood quoted by Conservative Home

IEA Director General Mark Littlewood’s comments on the Spending Review were included by Conservative Home in a round-up of think tank responses.

Mark said: “The Chancellor’s diagnosis was correct – and it is encouraging that he grasps the scale of the problem. The eye of the economic storm has yet to hit. The Covid contraction is more than double that of the Great Depression in 1931. Five years from now our economy will be smaller than it was at the start of 2020.

“If the diagnosis is good, the medicine is inadequate. ‘No return to austerity’ is a good slogan, but austerity there will be – either in the public or the private sector. It is just a question of when, and the longer the delay the more austere it will be.

“While today was a Spending Review rather than a Budget, the Chancellor must swiftly turn his attention to mapping out a path to recovery. This will involve creating a better tax and regulatory environment, so businesses can bounce back and thrive.”

Read the full article here.

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