In Conversation with Linda Whetstone


  • 08/12/2020
    18:30 - 19:30
The Institute of Economic Affairs is delighted to host Linda Whetstone for the next in our In Conversation series with senior figures across public life.

On Tuesday 8th December, IEA Director-General Mark Littlewood will chair a discussion with Linda Whetstone, livestreamed on the IEA YouTube Channel.

Linda Whetstone is Chairman of Network for a Free Society and Chair of the Atlas Network, an international association of free-market think tanks. She is a member of the board of the Institute of Economic Affairs and, through her international networks, leads on translating the IEA’s publications into multiple languages, making the academic and intellectual underpinning of free markets and free people available to all. As the daughter of Sir Antony Fisher, the co-founder of the Institute of Economic Affairs, the liberty movement has been a life-long labour of love.

The conversation will shed light on Linda’s work promoting freedom across the globe, as well as get her perspective on the outlook for the future of freedom in these uncertain times.

Watch this event here.