Live with Littlewood – with Ben Bradley MP, Claire Fox, Mahyar Tousi and many more

As the march towards a “circuit breaker” gathers pace, we’ll be examining the economic consequences of tighter restrictions. Has the government put health before wealth? Or is a successful economic strategy one that suppresses the virus and vice versa?

With Conservative activist Darren Grimes facing investigation, we’ll be asking: Should journalists, podcasters and presenters be held responsible for remarks made by interviewees?

And what do the most recent employment statistics tell us about the shape of the UK labour market? With some sectors buckling under tougher measures, how many of those currently on furlough will have jobs to go back to?

All this, and more.


Andrew Allison, Head of Campaigns, The Freedom Association
Ben Bradley, Conservative Member of Parliament for Mansfield
Claire Fox, Founder and Director, Academy of Ideas
Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, Institute of Economic Affairs
Benedict Spence, Columnist, The Telegraph
Mahyar Tousi, Classical Liberal Conservative YouTuber