Lifestyle Economics

Sugar reduction scheme a “Soviet-style diktat”


In the Media

IEA Think Tank event featured in The Guardian

Responding to the Public Health England report suggesting the government’s plan for the food industry to voluntarily cut 20% of sugar from foods by the end of the year is set to fail, Christopher Snowdon, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, said

“The sugar reduction scheme was always doomed to fail because it relies on companies making products that people don’t want to buy. The 20 per cent target is a Soviet-style diktat that takes no account of the realities of food manufacturing or consumer demand. Thankfully, Public Health England will soon be history. The food reformulation scheme should be buried with it.”

Notes to editors

For media enquiries, please contact Emma Revell, Head of Communications, on 07931 698246 or

Christopher Snowdon is available for interview and further comment.

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