Arthur Seldon and the future of liberty


  • 15/10/2020
    18:00 - 19:00

Sunday 11th October marks the 15th anniversary of the death of Arthur Seldon, economist and polemicist and co-founder of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

The commemorate the anniversary, the IEA is delighted to host an in conversation event with Arthur’s son, Sir Anthony Seldon, to reflect on his contribution to liberty and freedom, as well as discuss what challenges and opportunities face us – both nationally and globally – in furthering his legacy in the coming years.

Arthur Seldon was one of the founding fathers of the Institute of Economic Affairs back 1955. He was heavily involved in the running and management of the IEA and was a key part of the Thatcher revolution in 1979. Together with the IEA, Seldon worked to transform the mindset of policymakers and political commentators.

Sir Anthony Seldon is one of Britain’s leading contemporary historians, educationalists, commentators and political authors. He has written over 40 books on contemporary history, including the inside books on the last four Prime Ministers. Most recently he served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham.

The event will be hosted by Professor Len Shackleton, IEA Editorial and Research Fellow and Professor of Economics at the University of Buckingham.

Date: Thursday 15th October 2020

Time: 18:00-19:00

Speaker: Sir Anthony Seldon

Chair: Professor Len Shackleton, Editorial and Research Fellow, IEA; Professor of Economics, University of Buckingham

Format: Public Zoom Meeting with Q&A

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