Live with Littlewood: Jonathan Isaby, Alexandra Phillips, Mark Wallace and many more

A surge in Covid-19 cases. A testing shambles. A “missing leader”.

Has the Prime Minister lost his grip – on Coronavirus, on Brexit, on his party?

The first lockdown was designed to buy the government time to build up NHS and testing capacity. For the most part, the British public upheld their end of the bargain. As evidenced by this week’s testing shambles, the government has not.

Will the public’s patience start to wear thin? Is Keir Starmer’s response to the testing chaos, “Fix it”, adequate?

What impact will fresh restrictions on our civil liberties, from the “Rule of Six” to local curfews, have on our beleaguered economy? GDP growth in June and July gave cause for optimism over a strong rebound, but the UK withstand yet another economic shut down?

The Chancellor is looking to get “creative” to support jobs and employment: what would our panellists do to claw the UK out of this black hole?

Annabel Denham, Director of Communications, Institute of Economic Affairs
Jonathan Isaby, Director, Politeia
Julian Jessop, Independent Economist
Matthew Lesh, Head of Research, Adam Smith Institute
Alexandra Phillips, Former MEP
Duncan Simpson, Research Director, TaxPayers’ Alliance
Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics, Institute of Economic Affairs
Mark Wallace, Chief Executive, ConservativeHome
Tom Whipple, Science Editor, The Times