Leading economist Deepak Lal – Obituary

IEA author obituary in The Times

The Times has written and obituary of Deepak Lal, the “leading economist who grew up in the Raj and became an unlikely defender of the British Empire.”

Lal was author of many works, among them the IEA’s text, The Poverty of ‘Development Economics,’ in which he provided a robust critique of the statist model of development which denigrates both trade and open markets.

The IEA also co-published Deepak’s 2012 text, Lost Causes. In a post published to time with the release, IEA Senior Academic Fellow wrote: “It was interesting to see, in the wake of the 2012 budget, various think tanks and commentators claim that they had influenced this or that policy. Deepak Lal has no such pretensions.”

Read the obituary in full here.

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