What does free speech actually mean?

What is the current state of free speech in the UK? What does free speech actually mean? And what does Toby Young’s, recently launched, Free Speech Union aim to achieve?

In this weeks edition of #InConversation, the IEA’s Director General , Mark Littlewood, interviews Toby Young, Founder & Director of the Free Speech Union to discuss and understand why the union was started, what free speech crisis do we face across the western world, and how the union aims to support and defend its members – and the right of free speech as a whole.

Toby Young is Director of the Free Speech Society, and the London Associate Editor at Quillette.

To find out more about the FSU, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaMgf5ZxuWg&feature=emb_logo

FSU website: https://freespeechunion.org/