IEA launches daily bulletin

This week we launch IEA Daily, the new morning briefing from our team at the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Delivered to your inbox first thing, the concise digest tells you all you need to read, see, hear and watch over the course of the day. In addition, one of our experts will select a Long Read – one article or paper you should cast your eyes over if you find yourself with 15 minutes to spare.

As we adapt to life under lockdown, the IEA is trialling live webinars and stepping up our podcast output – including the introduction of a new series of podcasts on Coronomics, examining the ways Covid-19 will impact our economy, our working practices, our civil liberties and more.

But it’s not all about the pandemic. We’re busily re-imagining the way we communicate our research and ideas.

We’ll soon be introducing a raft of new video and audio programming providing a free market perspective on a wide range of fascinating topics.

But, for now, our focus is on IEA Daily – and if you’d like to subscribe, please click here. Our first edition can be read here.

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