EA Magazine Issue 15 (Spring 2020).

EA Magazine Issue 15

Download the full magazine here.

Individual articles from issue 15.

Gig Economy. What the music business can teach us about economics – and vice-versa. Read here.

Sting in the tail. Professor Syed Kamall on the best-laid plans of mice, men… and politicians. Read here.

Why don’t more girls study economics? Teacher George Vlachonikolis tackles this thorny question. Read here.

Best of the Blog – The cashless society, driverless cars, and why we can’t have our carbon-emission cake and eat it – in the best of our blog. Read here.

Daylight Robbery! – Mark Littlewood on the unwise taxes that have led to war, destruction and devastation. Read here.

Spotlight – Focussing on former IEA interns who’ve gone on to great things. Read here.

Net Loss? – Professor Len Shackleton asks if struggling football clubs be allowed to go to the wall? Read here.

Vox Pop – Christopher Snowdon questions government moves to ban the .sale of energy drinks .to under-16. Read here.

Short Cummings? – Professor Len Shackleton looks at ill-fated attempts to reform Whitehall. Read here.