
NHS needs reform, not another cash boost, to fix its ails



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Lifestyle Economics

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Kate Andrews responds to PM's cash boost for the NHS

Commenting on Boris Johnson’s £1.8 billion cash boost to NHS frontline services, Associate Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs Kate Andrews said:

“How many more billions of pounds will be funneled into the National Health Service before politicians admit the system itself is broken and decades overdue for reform?

“It remains unclear how Mr Johnson plans to ensure this latest cash boost is spent efficiently, and not simply handed over in good faith, as the £20 billion pound ‘gift’ to the NHS was done last year. And he has yet to say what other areas of public spending he will cut – policing, education – to keep topping up a system that has already received an unprecedented spending boost.

“As taxpayers watch more and more of their money being diverted to the NHS, they will increasingly ask why waiting times, access to treatment and frontline care have not dramatically improved. If more spending does not go hand-in-hand with efficiency gains and patient-centric reforms, the Government will find this a difficult question to answer.”

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries please contact Emma Revell, Communications Manager | 07931 698 246

For further IEA reading on healthcare policy, click here.

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