
The Ideal US – UK Free Trade Agreement



No-Deal Fear Checker, No. 6


Free trade is the foundation of modern economies & modern prosperity, says new IEA report

Government and Institutions

A Free Trader's Perspective

This paper is intended to serve several related purposes. First, it is to persuade policymakers and the public in both the United States and the United Kingdom that it is in their respective national interests to enter into a comprehensive bilateral trade and investment agreement. Specifically, the goal is to establish that the type of agreement that will have the greatest positive effect on the economies of both countries is one that removes border barriers and behind-the-border barriers to trade across all sectors of both economies without exception.

Second, this paper is intended to provide the intellectual foundation for what limited-government, free-market supporters would consider the ideal free trade agreement (FTA). Third, and ultimately, the objective is to produce the text—the specific language, terms, and provisions—of an FTA that would be more “liberalizing” than any other FTA in the world, and that would be attractive and open to other countries to join.

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