The Customs Union – should we stay or should we go?


  • 27/03/2018
    18:45 - 20:15
Julian Jessop, Head of the IEA’s Brexit Unit, will participate in a major debate on Brexit.

The debate, organised by how to: Academy, will examine the Customs Union and arguments for a second referendum.

For most Brexiteers, Brexit means a clean break with the Customs Union. Anything else would be, in the words of International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, a ‘complete sell out’. We would thrive outside of it; no weighty contributions to Brussels, no need to sign up to the free movement rule and the freedom to negotiate free Trade Deals with non EU- Countries. A hard Brexit is the only way, claim adherents.

Not according to Jeremy Corbyn and a number of Tory ‘Remainer’ rebels. Earlier this year the Labour Leader announced party support for a soft Brexit; leave the EU yes, and the Single Market, but stay within ‘A’ Customs Union. We can avoid new tariffs, border checks – specifically the need for a ‘hard border’ with Northern Ireland – and ensure free flowing trade. All without committing to free movement, budget payments or supervision of the European Court of Justice.

Joining Julian on the panel are Stella Creasy MP, Iain Martin, Paul Mason and Professor Vernon Bogdanor.

RSVP here for what is sure to be a fantastic evening.

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