The Alternative Vote system will prevent radical free-market reforms

I have no constitutional objection to the Alternative Vote system (AV). Fears over constantly hung Parliaments or permanent coalitions are largely unfounded. In Australia, where AV was introduced in 1919, it has, with the exception of the election last week and the 1940 General Election, delivered strong governments despite the presence of popular “third parties” such as “State Labour” in New South Wales during the 1930s and 40s, the Australian Democrats in the 70s, 80s and 90s and the Greens from 1993.

Policy Advisor to Mark Littlewood

Sam Collins is the Policy Advisor to Mark Littlewood, IEA Director General. Sam has spent most of his working life in the political and charitable sectors in New Zealand, Britain and the United States of America. Working most recently as the Director of The Hope Foundation for Street Children (UK) and currently as Director of The Age Endeavour Fellowship, Sam has previously been Operations Officer and Communications Consultant at the IEA, as well as a researcher at Progressive Vision. Sam has a BA/Hons in Politics and History from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, and was the New Zealand National Party candidate for Wigram for the 2011 General Election.

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