Tuition fees: £7,000 needn’t be a “crunch point”

Once again the issue of university funding has reared its head. As is often the case, the government has turned to an independent review for a solution. And as with a lot of reviews of this nature, the likely result is already fairly well known. It will almost certainly be to raise the tuition fee cap, probably to £7,000.

Events Manager

Ralph is the Events Manager at the IEA. Prior to joining the Institute, Ralph worked as a Communications and Projects Consultant for Dods Parliamentary Services, delivering hundreds of events and campaigns for a wide variety of clients. He has also worked in Parliament, for political groups and for public affairs agencies, after starting his career as an intern at the IEA. He also works as Director and Co-Founder of Commonwealth Exchange (CX). Ralph has a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) from the University of York, where he was also Chair of the Conservative Association.

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