Think Tent 2017: How should the Conservative Party Tackle Intergenerational Unfairness?


  • 01/10/2017
    16:15 - 17:30
Conservative Party Conference 2017

“How should the Conservative Party Tackle Intergenerational Unfairness?”

The UK’s “pay as you go” welfare system means that today’s taxpayers are not only footing the bill for pensioner benefits but a plethora of public services that disproportionately benefit older generations. Demands on taxpayers are set to become more onerous, as the proportion of the population aged 65 and over is forecast to jump from 17.6 per cent in 2014 to 27.1 per cent in 2064. In light of a rapidly aging population, can the Government continue to make spending promises and pass the bill onto future generations? Could the current Government pave the way to a pre-funded welfare system?

Further, working people have seen the brunt of spending cuts in recent years while pensioner benefits have been protected. With frustrations growing amongst young people, can the Government still justify its commitments on the triple lock and winter fuel payments?


  • Kate Andrews, News Editor, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Owen Jones, Journalist and Commentator

  • Richard Graham MP

  • George Freeman MP, Chair of the Prime Minister’s Policy Board

  • Andy Silvester, Head of PR and Leader Writer, The Sun (Chair)

Please note this event is held in the Secure Zone. A Conference pass is necessary to attend.

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