A solid enough start


Government and Institutions

The Liberal-Conservative administration deserves to pass its 100 day probation. It hasn’t done much yet, but it has said some of the right things and sounds like it might even get round to doing a few of these things at some point in the not-too-distant future. I’d pretty much accept that from a new staff member, so I guess I should be half-pleased that I seem to be getting this level of performance from my government.

The coalition partners were right to shelve their timid pre-election rhetoric about the size of the hole in the public finances. The Liberal Democrats’ implausible insistence that cuts shouldn’t start until next year was ditched as soon as they had “looked at the figures”. I remain bewildered at how and why the figures they looked at after May 5th differed in any meaningful way from the figures that were publicly available beforehand. But at least they reached the right conclusion. We should be grateful for small mercies, even if we do have to endure the sight of Vince Cable looking like he’s permanently sucking on a lemon…

Read the rest of the article on The Spectator’s Coffee House Blog.

1 thought on “A solid enough start”

  1. Posted 20/08/2010 at 22:58 | Permalink

    […] dias de Cameron Filed under: Internacional,Política — André Azevedo Alves @ 23:58 A solid enough start. Por Mark Littlewood. The Liberal-Conservative administration deserves to pass its 100 day […]

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