Economics on the web (28.3.10)

●  Philip Booth suggests it is not “morally bankrupt” to oppose a “Robin Hood” tax

●  Patrick Basham criticises the Department of Health’s new tobacco control strategy

●  Tim Congdon reviews The Pinch by David Willetts

●  Peter King discusses the success of the Right to Buy policy

●  Patrick Minford provides a rational interpretation of the banking crisis

●  George Monbiot exposes a great green rip off in energy policy

●  Julian Morris on the best way of conserving elephants  

●  Andrew P. Morriss reviews The Legal Foundations of Free Markets

●  Mark Littlewood argues politicians should be much clearer on cutting the deficit (video)

1 thought on “Economics on the web (28.3.10)”

  1. Posted 31/03/2010 at 11:32 | Permalink

    I never thought I’d say this, but: George Monbiot’s article is spot-on. Especially:
    “There appears to be a cross-party agreement to squander the public’s money. Why? […] because solar panels accord with the aspirations of the middle classes. The solar panel is the ideal modern status symbol, which signifies both wealth and moral superiority, even if it’s perfectly useless.”
    Monbiot probably assumes that governments generally act wisely and benevolently, and is therefore especially appalled that in this particular case, they didn’t.
    Readers of this blog would not feel any surprise about this particular policy, because they rather assume that governments work like that most of the time.

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