Government and Institutions

Government must act now on public sector pensions


Press Release

IEA responds to job cuts forecast by Treasury

Press Release

Responding to David Cameron s speech on the Big Society Mark Littlewood calls on the Prime Minister to outline what the government will stop doing

The Public Sector Pensions Commission, set up by the IEA and other organisations, launches its report
Responding to the release of the Public Sector Pensions Commission report, Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“This report underlines the urgent need for the government to take action on public sector pensions. The appalling lack of transparency in public sector pensions has exacerbated this crisis. The Commission’s findings come at a crucial juncture for the coalition government.”

“Successive governments have avoided this issue for far too long. The establishment of another Commission to look at this issue may simply prolong the implementation of reforms which should have been implemented years ago. I urge John Hutton to examine and embrace this report’s conclusions. In particular employee contributions should be increased and a decentralised approach to future funding adopted.”

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