Tax and Fiscal Policy

Budget predictably fails to get to grips with scale of crisis


Press Release

Large budget deficits crowding out private sector

Press Release

Mark Littlewood comments on Ofcom s demand that SKY sell SKY Sports 1 and 2 for less than their current price

Next government must introduce radical cuts
Commenting on the 2010 Budget, Mark Littlewood, Director General of the IEA said:

“Today’s Budget has predictably disappointed. The scale of the crisis we face requires urgent action, which Alistair Darling, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has failed to deliver.”

“With an election about six weeks away, the real test now is whether the next administration will introduce radical cuts quickly enough. With none of the three main parties indicating that they are going to carry out a major overhaul of public service delivery, this looks very unlikely. The relatively small scale efficiency savings being discussed are woefully inadequate – a comprehensive re-think is required.”

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