Monetary Policy

SMPC votes by five votes to four to cut interest rates – 4th February 2008


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Committee recommends a 0.25% reduction
At its latest meeting, the IEA’s Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC), a group of leading monetary economists that monitors developments in UK monetary policy, voted narrowly to cut the UK Bank Rate by 0.25%, rather than hold it at its current level.

All members of the SMPC were concerned by the problems that had arisen with sub-prime lending, the consequent impact on the property market, and the softening of economic activity. However, a substantial minority felt that earlier policy mistakes, which had led to British interest rates being kept too low for too long, meant that a reduction in rates should not take place now.

Those wishing to hold rates were concerned about a number of trends in the UK economy including: strong broad money growth; the large balance of payments deficit; the depreciation of sterling; the lax fiscal background; and output appearing to be above trend. The holders consequently felt that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) had to stay focused on its core inflation objective. This view was summed up by David B. Smith, Chairman of the Shadow Committee who said, ‘The December rate cut was an error because it risked de-stabilising sterling…Furthermore, inflation expectations had been rising, both in Britain and overseas…There is a real danger of global “stagflation”’.

However, the majority view, which was held by the five SMPC members who wished to cut rates, was that the deteriorating credit market conditions would lead to a serious slowdown in the economy. John Greenwood, Chief Economist at Invesco summed up the views of those wishing to cut rates commenting, ‘Events in the market for credit are sufficiently severe to create a significant downturn in economic activity.’

The SMPC meeting was held on 15 January. However, all committee members were given the chance to re-consider their vote following the 22nd January US rate cut. One switched from a ‘hold’ to ‘down 0.25%’ as a result .

Read the full report here.

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